Students in second grade receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. The Archdiocesan requirement is for grade school students to attend one full year of Religious Education Classes prior to the sacrament year. We look forward to enrolling your First grade son/daughter in the Faith Formation Program.
Students in their Junior year (11th grade) of high school will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. The High School Faith Formation Program incorporates attending Mass every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, attending Christ Encounter opportunities and retreats into the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years of Faith Formation. Students attending a Catholic High School are required to enroll in the Confirmation program during their Junior year.
If you are interested in registering your child(ren) please contact the Faith Formation Office at 262-626-2650 or email
God’s Blessings,
Mrs. Jessica Herriges, Shared Director of K-11 Faith Formation
Steps for submitting payment online:
1. Click on
2. Click on Give Now
3. Select Recurring or One-time
4. Click the drop-down box labeled Fund and select Faith Formation fees.
5. Enter the amount that you are paying in the Amount field.
6. Click Submit.
2024-2025 K-11 Faith Formation Handbook
2024-2025 K-11 Faith Formation Schedule (subject to change)
Fundraiser Information: (more details to come)
Family Service Projects:
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